torsdag 25 februari 2010

Wanted: thief

I just came up with a great idea, perhaps a bit long-fetched but still amazing.
If you are a thief, that is. Which I'm not, but this great idea is too good to save for my imagination.
So here we go:
Put an ad out, pretending to be a company looking for holiday workers. Only the person you're "looking for to employ" is described as someone who's there for the experience more than the money, i.e. someone who got enough money to support themselves anyways (meaning: rich bitch!), but with this work experience could land proper great works later on. Think: investment broker, car salesman for Ferrari, etc.
Then, you do all phone interviews where you ask a little about the people, and you casually slide in on the subject on if they're planning any holidays for the summer, and if so: when? It's not an irrelevant questions, since it's important for the company to know so they can set the schedule according to this.
After they've replied and spilled their guts (here you need to be all friendly so they tell you a little more than they normally would, but they do cos they trust you and want the job!), you find out addresses and family name, possibly even income and you go rob their houses while their away. You already know their holiday plans, so no need for more planning.
All you need to is simply:
- put an ad out
- have a few (or as many as you like) phone interviews
- go robbing

 You could, if you want to be nice, or serious, or even might like to use the same company name next holiday season for similar ads / robbery, send out "sorry, but we've chosen to go with another person for the employment" - emails.

This is a great idea.
I should not be responsible if anyone does this!
Also I wouldn't advise anyone to tell exact dates and stuff for holiday plans, on first phone interviews. Perhaps not even the second interview, if this goes further.

Olympics, GOLD

Sweden are totally kicking all other Nations' asses in the Olympics. We rule on both the mens side as well as the womens.
Just wanted to update everyone on this amazing fact.

I'm off to school, and tonight it's afropowerdance with my mum before some more Olympics medals to win for our country!


tisdag 23 februari 2010


Sorry sorry, I've totally forgotten about this not so relevant or important blog of mine.
Even cheated and got myself another one, also in English, but not for anyone to read. Like a public diary, which is a little thrilling - what IF someone found the address and read all the saucy stuff I've been writing? Me like.

Quick update:
- I'm at uni, living in my own students flat in Gothenburg city
- I've turned 22, feeling old and grown-up but not always behaving it
- At the moment: watching loads of Olympics, Sweden is doing more than well.
- Started working out properly, it's even possible to go running cos my knee is so well and the muscles around it strong enough. Loving it!
- Single and fabulous! Realised I don't have the time or energy to date guys who's not love at first sight - it's easier that way, you just know and then you don't have to deal with all the fuss. ;)

1900-talet by Svante Nordin, a book from Uni about the 20th century history and background for the course in International Relations I'm studying. Very interesting, well-written and I'd recommend it. Swedish language though.
Also: The Coroner by M.R. Hall. English, about a coroner with a prescripted drugs addiction and cut-in-half family, trying to solve a small community's problems. Not very well-written, but interesting story. A bit boring also, unfortunately.

Back another day with more thoughtful reading. Hopefully.